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- Alan Morgan
- Alex Olson
- Alexa McKinley Abel, JD
- Amy L. Elizondo
- Angela Lutz
- Brandon Brook
- Brock Slabach
- Carrie Cochran-McClain, DrPH
- Chryspus Muema
- Courtney Glover
- Daria Thompson
- Donna Butler Douglas
- Gabriela Boscan
- Geno Poarch
- Kathy Siress
- Laura B. Hudson
- Lisa Inman
- Marguerite Peterseim
- Mory Bell
- Piper Martin
- Rebecca Yeboah
- Rob McVay
- Sabrina Ho
- Sharon Hutinett
- Zil Joyce Dixon Romero
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- Top 20 Critical Access Hospitals
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- Rural Health Award Winners
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- Annual Rural Health Conference call for presentations
- RHC and CAH conference call for presentations
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- Campaigns
- Campaign 1: Rural Health Caucus
- Campaign 2: 340B Program
- Campaign 3: Rural Hospitals
- Campaign 4: 2023 Farm Bill
- Campaign 5: Rural Health Care
- Campaign 6: RHC Burden
- Campaign 7: Workforce
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- National Rural Age-Friendly Resources Page
- Age-Friendly Toolkits
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- Literature on the Age-Friendly Ecosystem
- Rural Age-Friendly Integration Resource
- Webinars, Trainings, and Videos
- Rural Age-Friendly Policy Documents
- National Rural Veteran's Health Initiative
- Rural Obesity and Chronic Disease Initiative
- Rural Oral Health Initiative
- Rural Public Health Preparedness Program
- Center for Rural Health Innovation and System Redesign
- HIT Resources
- Rural Health Fellows Leadership Program
- Rural Health Students Group
- Anna Harmeling
- Bradley Firchow
- Catherine Patel
- Daniel Hayes
- Garrett Orick
- Halle Ciganick
- Katie McLaughlin
- Leniah Yazzie
- Lucas Goetz
- Madiline McNamara
- Nathan Dockery
- Ryan Johnson
- Stephanie Von Nor
- Liason Program
- Resources
- Rural Hospital Technical Assistance Program
- Rural Medical Education Group
- Center for State Rural Health Associations
- Publications
- National Rural Health Foundation
- Contact Us
- Career Center
- 2009
- 05
- 06
- An Economic Case for Reform
- CMS Definition of a CAH
- CMS Initiates Website Dedicated to ARRA
- CMS postpones RAC complex reviews of medical necessity until 2010
- Costlier Care is Often Worse Care
- Dr. Tom Dean
- http://www.rapidcityjournal.com/articles/2009/06/10/news/top/doc4a2f320918e4e048538400.txt
- Meaningful Use Definitions Hurt Rural Hospitals
- Meeting with the Blue Dog Coalition
- NPR Documents Rural Health Insurance Gaps
- NRHA and Rural Health Coalition Submit Letters to ONC
- NRHA voices concern over national health information technology program
- Think local - you can get involved in health reform!
- 07
- Congressional Health Reform – an NRHA Government Affairs Update
- Health Reform Update - 7/27
- House Energy and Commerce Amends HR 3200 to Ensure Rural Representation for Medicare Decisions
- Meaningful use revisions released by ONCHIT
- Obama's Rural Tour
- U.S. News releases "best hospital" list
- 08
- August Town Halls -- Constructive, Not Obstructive Debate
- Get involved in NRHAs policy making!
- Health Reform: The Rural Uninsured
- Images of the rural uninsured
- 10
- 11
- House Health Reform Update - Blue Dogs, Negotiated Rates and the Public Option
- House Leadership Strips Rural Provision from Final Health Reform Bill
- House Passes Health Reform - Is it Good For Rural? Yes...and No.
- Important Rural Health Reform Amendments for the Senate Floor
- Rural Veterans - Honoring...and Covering?...Those Who Serve
- Senate Votes, Succeeds, on Cloture Vote
- Urban hospitals fret over treatment in healthcare reform
- 12
- CMS and ONC Issue Regulations Proposing a Definition of ‘Meaningful Use’
- Health Reform Coverage vs. Access: Dealing with the Influx of Newly Covered Rural Patients
- Help Wanted: Skilled Health IT Workforce to Modernize Health Care
- ONC Announces HIT Grant Program
- White House Unveils $182 Million for Broadband
- Why the digital divide is likely to expand under ARRA
- 2010
- 01
- CAH “EHR Eligible Expense” Definition Still Lacks Clarity
- CMS Excludes “Provider-Based” Clinics from All EHR Incentives
- CMS Meaningful Use Definition Impact on Rural Providers
- CMS Proposed Rule Excludes CAHs from Medicaid Incentives
- What CMS Says (And Doesn’t Say) About Small and Rural Providers
- 02
- CMS Proposed Rule Excludes Most Provider-Based Clinics
- CMS Proposed Rule: How to Stretch Without Breaking
- djdjdj
- HIT Policy Committee Recommendation One Small (CPOE) Step From Flexibility
- How the CMS Proposed Rule Will Raise the Cost of Rural Healthcare
- 03
- Berwick to head CMS
- Berwick to head CMS
- CMS Issues Delay in Physician Supervision Rule
- CMS Meaningful Use Comment Letter
- Congressional Health Reform – an NRHA Government Affairs Update
- HIPAA version 5010 fact sheets and checklists Released by CMS
- House Passes Senate Health Reform Bill and Reconciliation Package
- Middle-class Uninsured: Barely Hanging On
- ONC Listening Session for Health IT Strategic Framework
- ONC Webinar on Certification Program for EHR
- One in Three Small Town Residents Without Health Coverage by 2019
- Proposed Health IT Certification Programs
- 04
- CMS releases FY 2011 proposed IPPS rule
- CMS releases RAC FAQ Page and Video
- Is the New Rural Hospital REC Funding “Intended” to Help All Rural Hospitals?
- 05
- Beacon Communities Announced
- FQHC/CAH collaboration manual released
- MedPAC appointments announced by GAO
- 07
- NRHA Added to HPSA/MUP Committee!
- NRHA Excluded from HPSA/MUP Committee
- Updated: NRHA Exclusion from HPSA/MUP Committee
- 08
- 09
- FCC Proposes Rural Health Broadband Programs, Solicits Comments
- Strategies for Implementing Meaningful Use within the Safety Net Community Webinar
- Uninsured Rate Rises in 2009
- Update: NRHA Hospital Outpatient Proposed Rule Comments
- 10
- 11
- By the Numbers: Rural Emergency Department Usage
- Identifying Health Professional Shortage and Medically Underserved Areas
- Lame Duck for your Turkey Day Break
- Rural Health Care Equals Rural Jobs
- The results are in...what does it mean for rural?
- 12
- "Doc-Fix" Agreement Reached in Congress
- 340B Article in NY Times
- EMR's Not Always Linked to Better Care in Hospitals
- Net Neutrality and Rural Health
- Registration Opens Jan. 3 for EHR Incentive Program
- Senate Releases Omnibus Spending Package
- Update: Congress Passes Doc Fix, House Sends Appropriations Bill to Senate
- 2011
- 01
- Berwick: You have my attention, heart, commitment
- Brand: Rural health, we’ve got your back
- Negotiated Rulemaking
- One-Fifth of the U.S. Population Has No Doctor or Other Usual Source of Medical Care
- The meaningful use era
- 02
- Heavyweight Budget Fight: Entitlements Vs. The Deficit
- Lifestyle affects life expectancy more than genetics
- Meaningful use attestation: when is the best time?
- Negotiated Rulemaking - Progress
- NRHA CEO Alan Morgan Follows-Up with Dr. Berwick
- ONC director: "rural HIT is a priority for HHS"
- Update on Continuing Resolution
- 03
- Health Profession Shortage Areas
- Health reform bill: one year later
- National Strategy for Quality Improvement in Health Care Report Released by HHS
- New and Important Legislation to Track
- New/Important Legislation to Track
- Protect Access to Rural Hospitals
- Status of the Continuing Resolution and Appropriations 2012
- This Week's Capitol Hill Hearings
- 04
- Additional Legislation of Interest
- Capitol Hill Hearing on ACA Implementation
- Capitol Hill Hearing Update
- CCNA Photo Contest: Nursing’s Impact on Health Care in Rural America
- CMS website down during possible government shutdown
- Congress Enters Spring Recess
- Final CR Closes Book on FY 2011
- General Supervision Fix
- HIT rural network grant opportunity
- House Passes FY 2012 Budget Proposal
- Mostashari to head ONC
- Rural Hospital Protection Act
- Senate Passes Repeal of Extended 1099 Tax Reporting
- Week in Review and Legislative Spotlight
- Who would a Government Shutdown Affect?
- 05
- ACOs in Focus
- American Association of Family Physicians Interviews CMS Administrator Berwick
- Floor and Hearing Schedule Week of May 9
- House Appropriations to "Mark Up" 2012 Agriculture Bill
- Kaiser Study Shows Opposition to Medicaid Cuts
- Legislation and Hearings for Week of May 16
- Legislative Update for Week of May 23, 2011
- McClellan calls on NRHA members to share ideas, provide health reform leadership
- New Legislation and Hearings for Week of May 2
- Oregon group aims to help critical-access hospitals meet meaningful use
- Senator Burr Replaces Senator Ensign on Budget Committee
- 06
- ACOs Continue to be a Major Focus
- Associations File ACO Comments with CMS
- Associations File ACO Comments with CMS
- Associations File ACO Comments with CMS
- Associations File ACO Comments with CMS
- Associations File ACO Comments with CMS
- Capitol Hill Watch for Week of June 13
- Capitol Hill Watch for Week of June 20
- Capitol Hill Watch for Week of June 6th
- CMS to Delay Start of "Pioneer" ACO Demonstration
- Deadline Approaches for 340B Program Conference
- Hospital Readmissions at 12%
- NRHA applauds creation of White House Rural Council, pleased rural health is priority
- NRHA Applauds Senator Tester for Work on Community Transformation Grants
- NRHA Submits Comments to CMS on ACO Proposed Regulation
- NRHA supports Border Health Security Act
- The Dangers of Medicare and Medicaid Cuts as Part of a Deficit Reduction Plan
- The Move to Meaningful Use
- 07
- "Gang of Six" Reunites, Proposes Plan for Deficit Reduction
- Debt Votes Scheduled for this Week
- Health Profession Shortage Areas
- Health Profession Shortage Areas
- Help prevent $16 billion in proposed cuts to rural hospitals and frontier America
- House of Representatives Votes on H.R. 2560
- JAMA Article reports CAH quality concerns
- McConnell presents debt back-up plan
- Monday Morning and Still No Deal
- NRHA Meets with White House Rural Council Chair
- NRHA sends letter to President, other leaders outlining negative impact of proposed cuts
- Rumors of "Big Deal" Resurface
- Rumors of "Big Deal" Resurface
- Short-Term Debt Limit Increase Possible if Long-Term Deal Imminent
- Update: Health Profession Shortage Areas
- 08
- Agreement reached in debt ceiling debate
- House Appropriations Update
- NRHA Sends Letter to Congressional Leaders Regarding Rural Representation on New Deficit Reduction P
- President Announces Completion of Deal to Raise Debt Ceiling
- President Obama Holds Rural Economic Forum
- Rethinking recruiting worked for one remote hospital
- Senate Passes Debt Ceiling Compromise Legislation
- 09
- Appropriations Committees back to work
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Announce Community Transformation Grant Awards
- HHS Awards $11.9 Million for Rural Health IT
- Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction to Begin Meeting This Week
- NRHA submits testimony to protect Medicare payments for rural providers
- NRHA testimony on expiring Medicare provider payment policies
- NRHA warns Capitol Hill about modifying rural hospital programs
- Obama Administration asks Supreme Court to review the "Individual Mandate"
- Physician facts offered during Rural Health Clinic conference
- President Obama’s call to reduce reimbursement payments for Critical Access Hospitals
- President Obama’s deficit proposal puts rural hospitals at risk
- Projects identifies, addresses rural health priorities
- Rival rural hospitals become EHR partners for patients
- Senate Labor-HHS-Ed Appropriations bill marked by subcommittee; learn about Open Enrollment
- Senate releases Labor-HHS appropriations report
- 10
- Accountable Care Organizations final rule released today
- Affordable Care Act may be heard by Supreme Court
- CMS announces regulatory reforms for hospitals, providers
- Craig Thomas Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act Introduced in United States Senate
- Debt reduction proposals announced
- Improving rural hospital financial and operational performance
- Med students have new resource in rural residency
- NRHA Applauds the Introduction of HR 3212, the CAH Designation Waiver Authority Act of 2011
- NRHA Government Affairs Continues Advocacy Efforts
- Rulemaking Committee Recommends New HPSA/MUA Designation Methodology
- Rural facilities targeted in deficit reduction plans
- Rural health impact of various deficit reduction proposals
- Senator Jerry Moran urges Super Committee to protect rural safety nets
- Senator Tim Johnson stands up for Critical Access Hospitals
- Senators Conrad, Hoeven support Frontier States amendment
- Super Committee meets, discusses discretionary spending
- Super Committee to hold public hearing
- This Is Not a Drill: Speak Up for Rural Hospitals
- USA Broadband Maps
- 11
- HHS extends meaningful use of health IT incentive deadline
- Illinois Critical Access Hospitals urge Congress, Administration to protect CAH designation
- Members of Congress sign bipartisan letter to protect rural hospitals
- National Provider Call today: Medicare Shared Savings Program
- NRHA gives congressional staff Rural Health Care 101
- Protect rural hospitals: sign on to bipartisan letter
- Rep. Benishek speaks out to protect rural hospitals
- Rural Health Clinics legislation introduced on National Rural Health Day
- Rural-based crisis hotline reaches veterans in need
- Sebelius to speak at NRHA event
- Senator Coburn's amendment defeated
- Still time to sign on to bipartisan letter protecting rural hospitals
- Super Committee Announces Failure to Reach Agreement
- Super Committee Deliberations Likely at an End
- Supreme Court to hear argument about health care reform
- Tell your Member of Congress to protect rural hospitals in today's floor debate
- Today - as always - we honor rural health professionals like you
- 12
- Ask your Member of Congress to protect rural providers by extending vital payment programs
- Fiscal Year 2012 Appropriations Conference Report Released
- House of Representatives Votes on H.R. 3630
- House Republicans Voice Opposition to Senate "Extenders" Legislation
- House sets votes on Senate version of Medicare Extenders
- House votes to disagree with Senate extender legislation
- NPR on CAHs: an overlooked perspective
- NRHA Advocates Extension of Rural Medicare "Extenders"
- NRHA asks Congress to stand up for rural providers by extending vital payment programs
- NRHA commends Senator Begich, Representatives McMorris Rodgers and Thompson for work on Medicare Ext
- President Obama signs two-month extension into law
- President vows to veto proposed legislation
- Republican Leaders Agree to Pass a Version of Senate Extender Legislation
- Rural Health Champions Call for Extension of Rural Medicare Programs
- Senate Passes Two-Month Medicare Extender Legislation
- This World AIDS Day, NRHA looks back at 30 years of HIV/AIDS and ahead at how 4 rural programs are r
- Today at NRHA: Former Census Bureau chief outlines how changing demographics impact health care
- 2012
- 01
- MedPAC likely to establish principles, not recommendations for "Rural Report"
- NRHA welcomes 2012 fellows
- Sebelius says there’s light at the end of the tunnel for rural Americans
- Talk of the town at Policy Institute
- Wakefield: Proud to partner with NRHA
- White House outlines progress, plans
- 02
- Bipartisan bill introduced to preserve rural health access
- Call to Action: Protect and Extend Vital Rural Medicare Programs
- Cuts to Critical Access Hospitals included in President’s budget
- Final Agreement on Rural Medicare Provisions Reached
- House and Senate Approve Payroll Tax Conference Report
- National Rural Health Association Joins Effort to Repeal Wage Index ‘Manipulation’
- NRHA shows doctor-to-be real scope of rural practice
- President’s budget cuts jeopardize rural health care safety net
- President's budget for FY 2013 to be released today
- Rural Relevant Quality Measures for CAH's
- Stage 2 Meaningful Use NPRM Released
- Tentative Agreement Reached by Payroll Tax Conference Committee
- 03
- 2nd Annual RTT-TAP Conclave Assembles in Omaha
- Administration honors champions of health care
- Coalition for Health Funding releases statement on the Ryan Budget
- House Republicans release proposed FY 2013 Budget
- House Votes to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board
- Senators prepare letter on rural health appropriations
- Senators send rural health funding letter to Appropriations Committee
- Supreme Court Transcripts Available
- 04
- CMS Announces 27 ACO Organizations
- CMS Delays ICD-10 Requirements
- Greenlee becomes first Administration on Aging leader to speak at NRHA event
- House Leadership Makes Case for Budget Reconciliation
- NRHA and coalition ask CMS to address wage index in IPPS rule
- NRHA and Partnership for Medicaid Submit Letter on proposed Medicaid cuts
- NRHA announces 2012 Rural Health Award recipients
- NRHA keynote’s advice: “We don’t have to wait for Washington”
- NRHA partners with Clinton Global Initiative to improve border health
- NRHA Submits Comment on Meaningful Use Stage 2 Regulations
- Rural Hospitals Provide Better Value
- 05
- CMS Finalizes Rules to Reduce Regulatory Burdens
- Daily Yonder, Rural Blog highlight value of rural hospitals
- Doing a rural training rotation? You may be eligible for some reimbursement
- Frontier Extended Stay Clinic Pilot Program Receives Positive Reviews
- How South Dakota delivers latest in emergency training to every EMT and hospital
- I’ve registered. Have you?
- Innovation Challenge Grants Announcement Expected Tuesday
- NRHA announces Washington fly-in for rural hospitals
- NRHA Launches Advocacy Effort for Rural Hospital Designations
- Oregon Announces Medicaid ACO Pilot Project
- Senator Schumer Announces MDH and LVH Legislation with Senator Grassley
- Senators Schumer and Grassley Introduce MDH and LVH Legislation
- 06
- 23 rural hospital organizations join NRHA to fight rural cuts
- Goal surpassed: NRHA trains community health workers this week
- House bill supports vital rural hospital funding
- House to vote on ACA repeal week of July 9, according to Majority Leader Cantor
- MedPAC’s rural report is inaccurate, harmful to rural Americans
- No ruling from Supreme Court on Affordable Care Act today
- NRHA applauds Rep. McMorris Rodgers for work on the Medicare Pharmacy Transparency and Fair Auditing
- NRHA breakdown of SCOTUS ruling on ACA powerpoint
- NRHA hosts free fly-in on July 30-31 to protect rural hospitals
- NRHA will answer your ACA questions live at noon ET
- NRHA's response to MedPAC’s rural report gets attention
- Senate Appropriators fund rural health programs
- Share your MDH and LVH story
- Supreme Court Opinion on ACA now available
- Supreme Court to rule on Affordable Care Act today
- Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Reform Bill
- 07
- CNN gets rural perspective on Affordable Care Act
- Don’t delay. Register today.
- House Appropriations Committee releases the draft FY 2013 LHHS funding bill
- House Appropriations Subcommittee passes the FY 2013 Labor-HHS-Education bill
- House of Representatives for vote on repeal of Affordable Care Act
- NRHA / NACHC Task Force convenes in Washington DC
- NRHA marches for rural hospitals
- Register today and save on the hotel
- Senator Harkin releases report on sequestration
- Skill Building Workshop in Seattle
- Win $400 in NRHA photo contest
- 08
- 3 ways to share your talents with NRHA
- Call for Rural/ Frontier Health Best Practices Compendium Submissions
- Congressional leaders announce six-month "continuing resolution"
- Give your members of Congress homework over summer recess
- HHS finalizes new compliance deadlines for ICD-10 transition
- NRHA makes telehealth recommendations to Institute of Medicine
- Protect Medicare Dependent Hospitals and Low-Volume Hospitals
- Some Texas counties want Medicaid expansion despite Gov. Perry’s opposition
- Special Offer: Spousal or Significant Other Travel and Lodging Subsidy
- 09
- Congress passes Continuing Resolution
- Former NRHA president Tim Size authors commentary on rural Medicare reform
- House Appropriations Committee releases six-month CR
- New Rural Health Foundation raises $100,000+
- NRHA optimistic about Medicare funding, thanks to grassroots effort
- NRHA's Journal makes national news for rural obesity study
- Sen. Schumer tours center, pushes MDH and LVH legislation
- The government may not shut down your facility, but your neighbor might…
- White House releases Sequestration Report
- White House Report on Sequestration Expected on Friday
- 10
- Deadlines, celebrations and savings, oh my!
- Inform policy by submitting to Rural/Frontier Health Best Practices Compendium
- NRHA congratulates top CAHs
- NRHA continues to fight for MDH, LVH
- NRHA offers free rural hospital ethics guide
- Starting today, rural hospitals experience dramatic funding reductions
- The uninsured in rural America
- 11
- Celebrate rural with National Rural Health Day activities
- Help eliminate health disparities, improve access with NRHA
- HHS releases insurance rules
- Hospital Outpatient Panel Announces Spring Meeting
- Hospitals Sue HHS over RAC Audits
- Kaiser report focuses on the future of Medicaid
- Make your voice louder election day and beyond with NRHA
- NRHA announces 2013 Rural Health Fellows
- NRHA announces election results
- What does 2012 Election mean to Rural America?
- 12
- 2013
- 01
- Cabinet member to headline Rural Health Policy Institute
- Fiscal Cliff Averted
- House and Senate sworn in, leaders elected
- NBC Political Director Says Rural/Urban Divide "Stark"
- Rural Fiscal Cliff Averted
- Senate HELP Committee Holds Hearing on Primary Care
- Your career resolution made easy
- You're invited: HHS, USDA secretaries to discuss regulatory burden for rural providers
- 02
- Ag secretary urges NRHA members to make rural’s voice louder
- Final Rule for essential health benefits released by HHS
- House members from Nebraska, Wisconsin say they value rural health innovators
- Kansas senator applauds NRHA members’ “commitment to rural”
- Senate Democrats have proposal to delay Sequestration
- Senators Coburn and McCaskill Introduce Hospital Legislation
- Senators Introduce Resolution on Importance of Rural Health Care
- Wakefield focuses on workforce and White House Rural Council to kick off NRHA’s Policy Institute
- White House releases state-by-state reports on sequester impact
- 03
- Coalition thanks Chairman Harkin for championing Access to Emergency Devices
- Conrad State 30 and Physician Access Act introduced in United States Senate
- House passes Continuing Resolution
- House passes six-month stopgap
- House passes six-month stopgap bill
- Senate Appropriations Committee Releases Continuing Resolution
- Sequestration harms rural providers
- 04
- NRHA participates in White House forum on military credentialing and licensing
- Pieces of "Conrad 30" program included in Gang of 8 immigration bill
- President's Budget Targets Critical Access Hospitals
- Representatives send Title VII funding letter to Appropriations Committee
- Senator Roberts questions Secretary Sebelius about cuts to CAHs
- Sequestration hitting rural cancer clinics
- Several Senators question prudence of CAH cuts
- White House will release budget next week
- 05
- Conrad 30 Waiver included in immigration bill provisions
- NRHA announces 2013 Rural Health Award recipients
- 06
- NRHA announces Washington fly-in for rural hospitals
- NRHA participates in "The National Mental Health Conference" at the White House
- NRHA Supports Renewed Push to End Bay State Boondoggle
- Washington Post examines Federal definitions of "rural"
- 07
- 1 week to submit: We know you've got something to say
- 5 days left to register: Join NRHA in the March for Rural Hospitals
- Mark your calendars for the March for Rural Health
- NRHA Defends Importance of 340B Drug Program
- NRHA members bring message to Capitol Hill: Keep rural hospital doors open
- Senate Appropriations Committee passes Labor-HHS spending bill
- Senate Appropriations Committee releases summary of FY2014 Senate Labor-HHS bill
- Virginia newspaper editorial highlights need to preserve rural hospital programs
- 08
- Dr. Mostashari will leave ONC this fall
- HHS report on critical access hospitals misses the mark
- NRHA busy setting the record straight on CAHs
- NRHA makes Modern Healthcare's list of top influencers
- Senators respond to CAH threats
- 09
- “Obamacare ate my baby!”
- CMS will partially delay “two-midnight” rule
- Critical Access Hospital closures would affect Wisconsin, Tennessee
- House Appropriations Committee releases CR
- House Passes Continuing Resolution
- NRHA applauds bipartisan House leadership for letter on Critical Access Hospitals
- NRHA calls for EHR extension
- Senate passes Continuing Resolution
- 10
- Bicameral effort to end SGR coming soon
- Conference keynote encourages 500+ attendees to create healthy rural economies
- NRHA asks leadership to protect important rural provisions
- President Obama signs law ending 16-day government shutdown
- Resources available for the Health Insurance Marketplaces
- Senate leaders announce budget deal
- Senate leaders may have agreement today
- 11
- Celebrate Rural America
- NRHA looks forward to tomorrow’s National Rural Health Day celebrations
- NRHA’s next event covers broad topics for a bargain
- President announces proposal to allow more people to keep current insurance plans
- Remember rural America this Thanksgiving
- 12
- CMS announces delay to Meaningful Use Stage 3 requirements
- CMS’ new rules hurt rural hospitals and providers; NRHA fights back
- House Rules Committee posts temporary "Extenders" bill
- It's deadline time
- NRHA announces new and future leaders
- Protect and extend important rural provisions
- Protect rural patients by supporting key amendments
- Senate Finance Committee Votes "Chairman's Mark" Out of Committee
- Updated: Amendments 18, 82, 117, 118 and 121 pass the Senate Finance Committee
- Ways and Means, Senate Finance vote on markup today
- 2014
- 01
- Draft Omnibus Bill released by Congress
- House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health holds hearing on Medicare extenders
- House passes Farm Bill
- 02
- Congress votes to extend sequestration
- Critical Access Hospital Relief Act Introduced
- NRHA honors congressional rural health champions
- Sen. Heitkamp earns applause from rural health advocates
- Study: Rural physicians more likely to partake in quality improvement efforts, discuss costs of care
- Wakefield proud to be part of NRHA’s “robust agenda” for 25th annual advocacy event
- Your voice. Louder.
- 03
- Grassroots Support Needed for Medicare Extenders
- House passes bill to repeal SGR, delay Individual Mandate
- Life and death in a small town
- NRHA signs letter to FCC Chairman Wheeler
- Rural March Madness is here
- Senate passes one year SGR patch
- Senate to vote tonight on SGR
- The Rural Health Impact of the President's FY 2015 Budget
- 04
- AHA, others sue HHS over two midnight rule
- Final FQHC, RHC Rule Posted
- Senate Finance Committee holds hearing with Secretary Sebelius
- 05
- NRHA warns Wall Street Journal readers: It’s “crisis mode” for rural health
- Rural hospitals closing at alarming rate
- Senate Finance Committee approves Burwell nomination
- Senate to vote on Burwell's confirmation next week
- Senators introduce Rural Hospital and Provider Equity Act
- Senators Question Secretary-Designate Burwell on Rural Health
- VA Secretary Shinseki resigns; Senators Moran and Tester urge the President to improve access to car
- Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health to hold hearing on hospital issues
- 06
- Burwell sworn in as HHS Secretary
- House Republicans elect McCarthy, Scalise to leadership
- Senate Appropriations Subcommittee approves Labor-HHS spending bill
- Senate confirms Burwell as HHS Secretary
- Senate passes bill allowing veterans to receive private care
- Tell Congress to protect rural hospitals during this week's recess
- 07
- CMS issued final rule to reform burdensome regulations for providers
- Veterans' Access Bill Falls Short for Rural Veterans
- 08
- Members of Congress head home for August recess
- VA bill passes Senate and House, heads to White House
- 09
- 10
- Is rural America prepared for Ebola?
- NRHA reacts to HHS report on costs for rural patients
- President Obama signs the Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act of 2014 into law
- 11
- Celebrate National Rural Health Day through advocacy!
- Election Takeaways for our Rural Agenda
- NRHA and AHA send joint letter to Congress for National Rural Health Day
- NRHA honors rural veterans
- NRHA is thankful for rural victories
- Sen. Grassley and Rep. Smith celebrate National Rural Health Day
- Senate passes rural health care resolution
- Senators urge President Obama to protect Critical Access Hospitals
- USA Today: "Rural hospitals in critical condition"
- 12
- 2015
- 01
- 114th congress convenes
- Critical Access Hospital Relief Act Introduced
- NRHA applauds CMS for reconsidering meaningful-use requirements
- NRHA applauds senators' efforts to increase veteran employment
- NRHA honors congressional rural health champions
- President Obama delivers State of the Union
- Rural Americans see high insurance premiums
- Senators introduce bipartisan CAH Relief Act
- Tavenner resigns from CMS
- 02
- NRHA applauds Ways and Means Committee for Medicare markup
- NRHA calls for Congress to protect important rural programs
- NRHA disappointed by Obama’s budget
- Permanent LVH and MDH legislation introduced
- President's FY 2016 calls for cuts to rural programs
- 03
- Former NRHA member takes No. 2 spot at HHS
- Here we go again: HHS attacks rural hospitals
- HIV outbreak calls for improved public health in rural America
- House to vote on bipartisan health care bills important for rural health
- NRHA applauds House passage of vital rural health programs, asks Senate to act now
- NRHA monitors ACA case
- Permanent extension of MDH, LVH programs included in Senate budget
- Rural Medicare extenders to expire next week
- Senate delivers rural hospital and VA victories, but punts SGR
- SGR replacement package continues to move forward
- 04
- Help stop Medicare sequestration extension; contact Congress today
- NRHA announces 2015 Rural Health Award recipients
- NRHA applauds change in Veterans Choice Program
- NRHA applauds the Senate passage of SGR repeal
- 05
- Conrad State 30 & Physician Access Act introduced in Senate
- NRHA supports reintroduction of Hospital Payment Fairness Act
- NRHA’s Rural Health Congress approves new policies
- Senators, NRHA members speak against CAH cuts in president’s budget
- 06
- Appropriations season in full swing
- Contact your Senate Finance Committee member now to support amendments
- House Appropriations Committee markups FY 2016 Labor, Health and Human Services Funding Bill
- Join the walk to save rural hospitals
- NRHA asks Congress to support Border Health Security Act
- NRHA participates in Senate Rural 101 Briefing
- NRHA speaks at Rural Health 101 for senators
- Sen. Grassley introduces additional rural hospital model bill
- Supreme Court overturns ACA subsidies in states using federal insurance marketplace
- Supreme Court upholds ACA subsidies in states using federal insurance marketplace
- 07
- NRHA endorses Save Rural Hospitals Act
- NRHA members testify before Congress on rural health disparities
- NRHA president speaks to U.S. senators on 50th anniversary of Medicaid
- NRHA president speaks to U.S. senators on 50th anniversary of Medicaid
- Several Ways & Means Committee Members question MedPAC findings
- Today marks 50th Anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid
- Today marks the 50th anniversary of Medicare and Medicaid
- 08
- 09
- House Speaker John Boehner to resign
- Short-term CR introduced in Senate
- White House names Rural IMPACT demonstration sites
- 10
- CMS finalizes Meaningful Use stage 3 and flexibility for 2015
- CMS issues final rule on access
- Get to know NRHA's 2016 candidates
- Help make 340B work for rural
- Help NRHA ensure rural is considered as CMS implements new Medicare programs
- McCarthy withdraws from speaker election
- NRHA disappointed in tentative budget deal
- Rep. Ryan elected House speaker
- Rep. Ryan selected as nominee for Speaker
- 12
- 2016
- 01
- 03
- 05
- No resolution yet for "Little Sisters of the Poor"
- NRHA announces 2016 Rural Health Award recipients
- 06
- NRHA applauds Senate Appropriations Committee for rural funding
- NRHA members attend Senate Democratic Steering Committee Rural Summit
- NRHA members, staff participate in Democratic Rural Summit
- Rural broadband bill heads to president’s desk
- 07
- AAFP endorses H.R. 3225, the Save Rural Hospitals Act
- Bill doesn’t do enough to help rural hospitals
- Bill doesn’t do enough to help rural hospitals
- NRHA supports senators’ letter to HHS
- Support bill to protect rural hospitals
- 08
- 10
- 11
- MACRA and You
- Rural America speaks loudly
- The (Tom) Price of repeal and replace: Will it work in rural America?
- The (Tom) Price of Repeal and Replace…Will it work in rural America?
- 12
- 2017
- 02
- 03
- CBO estimate released for American Health Care Act
- Congress listened to Rural America
- Five Reasons the Trump Administration Must “Go Big” on Rural Health
- House leadership releases changes to AHCA
- House unveils plan to replace the Affordable Care Act
- House vote on AHCA delayed; NRHA calls for Congress to vote NO on bill
- House vote on AHCA expected soon; NRHA calls for Congress to vote NO on bill
- House vote on AHCA expected today; NRHA calls for Congress to vote NO on bill
- NRHA to Congress: Vote no on American Health Care Act
- NRHA's Response to President Trump’s Budget
- President to Congress: Work Together to Repeal and Replace Affordable Care Act
- Senator Tester Introduces Restoring Rural Residencies Act
- Update on the American Health Care Act
- When will Congress finally listen to rural Americans?
- 04
- 3 Fixes Needed in any Modification to the ACA
- Health care bill delayed; House passes bill to avoid government shutdown
- HHS announces $485 million in grants to states to combat opioid crisis
- NRHA Applauds Introduction of Conrad State 30 & Physician Access Act
- NRHA Applauds Introduction of Rural Hospital Access Act of 2017
- NRHA Applauds White House Rural Task Force
- NRHA Statement on White House Rural Task Force
- President Trump Signs Veterans’ Choice Program Extension
- Senate votes to extend Veterans' Choice Program
- 05
- A Model for Creating Rural Health Policy Internships
- CBO released estimate of the impact of the American Health Care Act
- Come on Senate - - it's now up to you to fix health reform for rural America
- House vote on AHCA expected soon; NRHA calls for Congress to vote NO on bill
- NRHA's Response to Omnibus Bill
- Trump Budget Decimates Rural Heath Safety Net
- 06
- 3 Amendments Needed in Health Care Reform
- NRHA endorses reintroduction of Save Rural Hospitals Act to new Congress
- NRHA to Senate: Vote No on the American Health Care Act
- Recess Tips & Rural Health Care Talking Points
- Senate delays health care vote; NRHA urges no vote on bill
- Senate releases health care reform bill
- The Senate Health Care Reform Bill and Rural America
- 07
- CMS Announces Series of Nationwide RAC 101 Calls
- Health Care Freedom Act fails in Senate
- Health Care Reform Update
- House Appropriators release draft Labor-HHS funding bill
- New Senate Health Care Bill, Same Problems for Rural
- NRHA president testifies before Congress on rural health
- Oral health advocate works to train rural communities, physicians
- Rural grant program combats opioid overdose epidemic
- Rural health champions honored in San Diego
- Rural pilot smoking cessation program proves beneficial
- Secretary Price seeks NRHA input
- Senate continues debate this morning
- Skinny repeal fails Senate
- Update on Senate Health Care Reform Debate
- Working to improve health care access for rural veterans
- 08
- 09
- Aspiring doc’s old-school outlook on rural health
- Congress expresses bipartisan support for the 340B Program
- Continuum of Care: Why rural health care may benefit the most from a new model
- Dentist brings oral health best practices to rural community
- NRHA applauds Senate Democrats for holding rural event
- Rural PREP program does that and more for future docs
- Rural quality takes a leap forward: NQF Rural Workgroup
- Senate HELP committee discusses stabilizing the individual markets in rural America
- Senate Labor-HHS Appropriations Subcommittee passes funding bill.
- Senate no longer scheduled to vote on health care repeal bill.
- Senate to work on new health care repeal bill
- Telemedicine: A boon to critical access hospitals
- Training builds rural health workforce one student at a time
- 10
- Addressing community wellness with physical therapy
- Boom or Bust? Local nursing education in rural communities proving helpful in battling the nursing s
- CMMI Request for Information on New Payment Models
- Congress Holds CHIP Extension Hearings
- Eric Hargan Appointed Acting HHS Secretary
- HHS Secretary Tom Price Resigns
- Medicare Extenders: One Month After Expiration
- President Trump Declares National Emergency on Opioids
- President Trump Signs Executive Order Changing ACA Market
- Tax Reform Needed to Help Rural Health Crisis
- 11
- Another Rural Hospital Closure – And How We Can Prevent More
- Celebrate National Rural Health Day with NRHA
- CMS Announces 340B Reimbursement Cuts with Rural Exemptions
- CMS Changes Requirements for Small Physicians
- House of Representatives Votes for CHAMPIONING HEALTHY KIDS Act, H.R. 3922
- House Ways and Means Committee Attacks Critical Access Hospitals
- NRHA announces 2018 Rural Health Fellows
- NRHA Participates in Regulatory Reform Listening Session with CMS Administrator Seema Verma
- President Trump Nominates Alex Azar for HHS Secretary
- Requests for Proportional Distribution of Opioid Funding
- Sequestration: More Threats to Rural in Tax Reform
- Serving Those Who Served: Veterans Health in Rural America
- Threats to Rural Hospitals in Tax Reform Proposals
- 12
- MedPAC weighs in on Physician Supervision
- Revealing the scope of rural OB unit closures
- Rural Advocates Stand Up for CAHs in Letter to Ways and Means Committee
- Rural tech training, partnerships worth their weight in gold
- Senate Passes Tax Reform Legislation
- Serving Those Who Served: The Veterans Community Care and Access Act
- Tax Bill Goes to President’s Desk for Signature
- Total immersion: Rethinking the future of rural health and well-being
- 2018
- 01
- Bipartisan Policy Center Releases Rural Health Report With Concerning Headlines
- Congress Ends Government Shutdown
- NRHA announces newly-elected volunteer leaders
- The Government Shuts Down Over Funding Bill
- 02
- Congress Finally Acts on Rural Commitments, But What’s Next?
- Rebuild Rural: The Importance of Health Care in Infrastructure
- Recent Updates Show Potentially Damaging Reforms to Medicaid and Medicare in President’s Budget
- 03
- Delivering Rural Babies: Maternity Care Shortages in Rural America
- Essential outreach: Expanding mental health support for rural veterans
- Ice cream, soda, and Rx
- Leveraging telebehavioral health services for rural veterans
- Omnibus Bill Funds Government
- The Impact of Real-Time Decision Support
- Treating the Opioid Crisis in Rural America
- 04
- From Refugee to Registered Nurse
- House Agriculture Committee Releases 2018 Farm Bill
- Innovation and Stabilization: Stopping the Rural Hospital Closure Crisis
- National Minority Health Month: Health Disparities in Rural America
- NRHA announces 2018 Rural Health Award recipients
- Opioid Crisis Legislative Update
- Red Tape Relief: NRHA Participates in Ways and Means Committee Roundtable
- 05
- CMS Releases Rural Health Strategy
- Leveraging Business Intelligence in the CAH Setting
- Preventing unnecessary CEO turnover in rural and critical access hospitals
- Senate Finance Announces Rural Health Hearing on May 24
- Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing to Discuss Rural Health Policy
- USDA Opioid Misuse Roundtable Reaffirms Importance of ‘Community’ Solutions
- 06
- Addressing Regional Health Differences: Border Communities
- Challenges for Physical Therapists in Critical Access Hospitals
- CMS Fixes Flawed Reinterpretation of CAH Distance Requirement
- House Appropriations Committee Releases Labor-HHS Bill
- Locum tenens model bridges a gap in psychiatric care
- NRHA on rural health innovation
- NRHA’s 2018 Rural Health Awards a powerful testimony to personal dedication
- President Donald Trump Releases Plan to Reorganize Government Agencies
- Rural hospitals: The beating heart of a local economy
- Tracing new pathways to rural practice
- 07
- 08
- CMS Announces Proposed Rule for ACOs
- FCC Votes to Approve Connected Care Pilot Program
- Labor HHS Appropriations Bill on Senate Floor for First Time in a Decade
- Leveraging Technology to Improve Rural Health Outcomes in the Now and Next
- NRHA Regulatory Comment Letter Update
- Real Cost Control Strategies Save Millions
- Rural Hospital Closures Climb Quickly to Eighty-Seven
- Ways and Means Releases Red Tape Relief Report
- 09
- 6 ways to maximize your time at NRHA’s clinic, CAH events
- A community-based approach to rural health research
- A decade on the road: NRHA’s Brock Slabach on rural health
- All of Us Research Program aims to enroll 1 million participants
- Conference Concludes with Final Version of L-HHS Bill
- Farm Bill Conference Begins
- Senate Passes Opioid Crisis Response Act
- Senate to Vote on The Opioid Crisis Response Act
- Update: Senate Passes LHHS Appropriations Bill
- 10
- Assurance for Rural ACOs: NRHA Submits CMS Comments
- Breast Cancer in Rural America
- CMS Releases Proposal to Cut Medicare Part B Drug Costs
- Rural Hospital Closures Climb Rapidly
- Senate Votes on Final Passage of Opioid Package
- The Rural MOMS Act: Reducing Maternal Mortality and Increasing Care
- Why rural health care providers should invest in value-based solutions
- 11
- CMS Releases Final Site Neutral and 340B Rules
- How CMEs can qualify as MIPS improvement activities
- NRHA announces 2019 Rural Health Fellows
- NRHA Announces Partnership with United States Department of Agriculture
- Regulations, health IT, and rural health care
- Rural Life Expectancy Falls Further in New CDC Data
- 12
- Conference Committee Releases Final Farm Bill
- Congress Passes 2018 Farm Bill
- Congress Passes Maternity Care Legislation
- Dear rural hospitals: Where are your nurses?
- Generating new revenue with hospital labs
- Planting seeds for the future of rural health
- Reimagining the role of physician assistants
- The last line of cyber-defense: a well-trained employee
- Transforming rural communities through population health
- 2019
- 01
- 2 Digital Health Tools Every Rural Clinician Should Try
- 2020 Surgeon General Oral Health Report: NRHA Submits Comments
- Driving rural precision medicine progress
- NRHA and AAFP Host Rural Health Disparities Summit
- NRHA to honor Rural Health Champions at 30th Annual Rural Health Policy Institute
- The Dawn of a Rural Health Care Renaissance
- 02
- Access to Critical Care: HIV/AIDS in Rural America
- Recognizing and repairing rural health disparities
- Reviving the heart of a rural community
- Rural Hospital Closures Rise to Ninety-Eight
- 03
- 04
- CDC as a rural resource: Q&A with Diane Hall
- Community health workers key to rural oral health
- House Appropriations Committee Releases FY2020 Labor-HHS Bill
- NRHA announces Rural Health Award recipients
- NRHA comes to Atlanta
- NRHA Journal Recognizes Article of Year
- NRHA Supports New Legislation for Community Health Centers and Rural Health Clinics
- Rural health care state of the union
- Your rural data resources: the people behind the numbers
- 05
- NRHA Supports Bipartisan Legislation to Eliminate Mileage Limitation for Critical Access Hospital De
- Top Critical Access Hospitals Announced
- 06
- A year in review: NRHA and All of Us
- NRHA Supports Changes to Improve Payments for Rural Hospitals
- NRHA Urges Congress to Support Funding the Rural Health Safety Net
- Rural Health Appropriations Update
- Rural hospital masters what many large hospitals have not
- Rural Maternal Health Week
- Trump Administration Announces Five Pillar Approach to Make Health Care Costs More Transparent
- 07
- Capitol Hill Focuses on Expanding Broadband in Rural America
- Do these rural health issues look familiar?
- Fixing the need for a fix: Treating 20,000 addicts in rural America
- JRH Impact Factor Increases by 42%
- NRHA Provides Comments on CMS Guidance for Hospital Co-location with Other Hospitals or Healthcare F
- NRHA releases 2019 policy papers
- Searching for solutions to the rural opioid crisis
- Shifting stigma, overcoming opioids in rural Oklahoma
- 08
- 9 Challenges in the Era of Interoperability
- CMS policy changes impact hospital outpatient services
- Highlighting the All of Us Research Program
- Overcoming common rehabilitation management obstacles
- 09
- 7 stats impacting the financial health of community hospitals
- All of Us Research Program: One year after launch, momentum is key
- Make sure you get counted in 2020
- Preparing nurse practitioners for rural practice
- WONCA World Rural Health Conference
- 10
- AAFP physician happiness survey results
- Deadline Approaching for Rescores in HRSA's Shortage Designation Modernization Project Auto-HPSA Nat
- Free Medication-Assisted Treatment Training Resources Help Clinicians Secure Loan Repayment Awards
- The University of North Carolina Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research Identifies Five
- 11
- Don’t miss out on your MIPS reimbursement
- NRHA announces 2020 Rural Health Fellows
- NRHA Celebrates National Rural Hospital Week & National Rural Health Day
- Time for new perspective: Rural nursing workforce
- 12
- 2020
- 01
- 3 waypoints on the rural health care journey
- Approaching the issue of rural social isolation
- Fiscal 2020 Spending Package: Rural Health
- Promoting a framework for age-friendly health systems
- Rural EMS: Critical services hang in the balance
- Who’s Coming to NRHA’s Policy Institute?
- 02
- 2019 top rural and community hospitals announced
- NRHA co-hosts 2020 Rural Health Disparities Summit
- NRHA, AHA, more oppose Medicaid block grant proposal
- Rural Americans Must Stay Vigilant as Legal Battles Continue on ACA
- 03
- CMS Issues FAQs to Assist Medicare Providers
- CMS Sends More Detailed Guidance to Providers about COVID-19
- How to get a Small Business Loan under the Coronavirus Aid Bill
- NRHA Breaks Down the Rural Impact of the Latest COVID-19 Stimulus Package
- NRHA COVID-19 response and event updates
- NRHA's COVID-19 Advocacy Response Update
- Rural America Needs YOUR Advocacy NOW
- Rural providers: The most important small businesses in a pandemic
- 04
- Bipartisan Policy Center Endorses Many NRHA Ideas and Priorities
- Chasing the horizon of rural telemedicine
- HHS Awards $10 billion to Rural Health Care Providers
- HHS Releases Terms and Conditions of Provider Relief Funds
- NRHA announces top critical access hospitals
- NRHA Applauds Congress and the Administration for $10 Billion Rural Carve-Out
- NRHA Requests Immediate Relief for Rural Providers
- NRHA's 43rd Annual Rural Health Conference
- Removing barriers to oral health access: A multilinked approach
- Rural mental health challenges and hope for the future
- Rural Victory: Governmental Hospitals Eligible for Paycheck Protection Program
- 05
- NRHA and the U.S. Small Business Administration Present "Rural Providers and the Paycheck Protection
- NRHA announces 2020 Rural Health Awards
- NRHA releases 2020 Compendium of Rural Oral Health Best Practices
- NRHA Technical Assistance Center releases COVID-19 position
- When and how to build post-COVID revenue
- 06
- 2020 Journal of Rural Health article of the year
- NRHA launches Rural COVID-19 Technical Assistance Center
- NRHA Statement Condemning Racism
- 07
- CDC on rural COVID-19 response
- COVID-19 relief: No margin for error
- Mental health in a pandemic
- Rural And Community Hospitals – Disappearing Before Our Eyes
- Rural child social workers offer pandemic perspective
- 08
- How health partnerships can help rural communities prep for COVID
- NRHA Continues to Win Fight to Protect 340B Drugs for Rural Providers
- President Trump Signs New Executive Order to Improve Rural Health
- Trump Administration Announces Details of New Rural Health Model
- 09
- Cochran-McClain Named as National Rural Health Association Vice President of Government Affairs and
- NRHA Applauds the Trump Administration’s New Rural Action Plan
- NRHA President Pat Schou on community hospital best practices
- 10
- Case study: Rural municipal COVID-19 research leadership
- Mitigating the impact of COVID on rural families at risk for violence
- NRHA grant partnership offers rural pediatric telehealth stipends
- NRHA's Slabach on the crucial merits of wearing a mask
- Rural leaders build networks to source PPE for hospitals
- The benefits of being a rural nurse practitioner
- Unique challenges of universal mandated reporting of rural child abuse
- 11
- 2021
- 01
- ‘It’s on us’: Health care’s unique position in the response to human trafficking
- Building a rural integrated network for specialty care
- Diagnosing and managing mild TBI in rural kids
- Experiencing COVID-19 as a doctor and patient
- NRHA announces leadership elections results
- 02
- 03
- NRHA announces 2021 Rural Health Award recipients
- NRHA Secures Big Wins for Rural Health in Latest COVID-19 Relief Package
- Representatives Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) introduce the Rural Behavioral Health Acc
- Top rural and community hospitals announced
- Why rural hospitals should consider international nurses
- Workforce development after COVID-19
- 04
- How to review your utilization review in 2021
- JRH Recognizes 2021 Article of Year
- NRHA joins HHS' COVID-19 Community Corps, more
- NRHA outlines new Rural Emergency Hospital model
- Rural COVID-19 relief summary as of April 2021
- 05
- 06
- ‘Not a drill’: COVID vaccination efforts boosted by pharmacists in training
- In rural oral health, equity starts with workforce diversity
- Rural resourcefulness: How communities are innovating in the face of COVID-19
- We are winning the COVID-19 fight, not the war
- 07
- 09
- 10
- 11
- Is there a shortage of rural social workers?
- Real facts about the COVID-19 vaccine
- We need more data on health in rural America
- 12
- 2022
- 02
- Introducing the Save America's Rural Hospitals Act
- NRHA announces 2022 leadership elections results
- NRHA receives $7 million donation from philanthropist and author MacKenzie Scott
- NRHA’s Rural Health Fellows: Where are they now?
- The COVID-19 pandemic: Where we stand now
- The future of NRHA advocacy
- 03
- 2022 State of the Union: NRHA Statement
- Congress Passes Fiscal Year 2022 Omnibus Package: NRHA Statement
- 05
- Exploring radical rural health flexibility
- Helping rural health care providers cope with pandemic stress
- Learn about NRHA's 2022 Rural Health Award recipients
- Talking pandemic challenges and podcasts with NRHA President Beth O’Connor
- 06
- NRHA CEO: Back to normal 'is not sustainable' for rural health
- Telemedicine essential for addressing clinical, behavioral care access disparities
- 08
- Attracting, retaining talent amid the travel nurse surge
- How the great resignation could help rural hospitals with staffing
- NRHA member response to devastating Kentucky floods
- 09
- 10
- Building sustainable rural substance use disorder partnerships
- Ensuring health equity for our rural LGBTQ+ neighbors
- NRHA’s new rural obesity and chronic disease partnership
- 11
- CMS seeks to advance rural, tribal, and geographically isolated community health
- National Rural Health Day proclamation
- 12
- 2023
- 01
- ‘If not me, then who else?’ Ensuring rural maternal, obstetric health equity
- NRHA donor profile: Meet Keith Mueller
- NRHA survey seeks to understand rural COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
- 03
- 04
- How rural hospitals can tackle cost-driven health care delays without reducing prices
- NRHA announces 2023 rural health awardees, top JRH article
- Thinking differently: Staffing and retaining your surgeons and anesthesiologists
- 05
- Debt Ceiling Deal Reached
- Hard to reach? Karriem Watson dispels rural health research myths
- NRHA continues to engage rural communities to represent All of Us
- Reimagining rural with NRHA President Leslie Marsh
- The power of rural health research
- 06
- 3 considerations when transitioning new graduate nurses to rural practice
- How rural providers can act big and stay small with accountable care
- 08
- Making an impact: Bridging the gap in rural pediatric dentistry
- New NRHA initiative focuses on age-friendly care
- NRHA staff accepted for Obama Foundation Leaders USA Program
- 10
- Five key findings: Gynecologic cancer care in rural communities
- NRHA announces 2024 Rural Health Fellows
- 11
- A new look for NRHA's National Rural Health Foundation
- A prescription for better rural nutrition
- A reason to care: How students choose rural health
- Diagnosing rural health with NRHA past president Beth O’Connor (part I)
- Diagnosing rural health with NRHA past president Beth O’Connor (part II)
- Focus on Fellows: Checking in with three rural leaders
- NRHA Celebrates National Rural Health Day 2023
- Preparing for the future with PCMH: The shift from quantity to quality
- Rural renovations: Three features every patient payment portal should have in 2024
- 12
- 2024
- 01
- 02
- 2024 cybersecurity predictions for rural hospitals, part 1
- Getting to know NRHA President Kevin Bennett
- How NRHA, USDA are helping rural hospitals
- Reintroducing NRHA’s National Rural Health Foundation
- Shape the future of rural health: 2024 provider compensation survey
- What CAHs need to consider when planning capital investments
- 03
- Harnessing telehealth for rural critical access hospitals
- Mammoth Hospital's journey to revolutionizing health care with population health
- NRHA announces 2024 rural health awardees
- NRHA Statement Regarding Congressional Appropriations for Rural Health in the March 8 Spending Packa
- Small health system uses proactive digital outreach to triple vaccine performance
- 05
- Leaders go first: Clinicians as a powerful catalyst for change
- Mentorship: Solving gaps in care with shared wisdom
- NRHA Statement on House Agriculture Committee Farm Bill
- NRHA Statement on Ways and Means Rural Health Markup
- Nursing shortage solutions are happening — because they must
- Stand up and be counted: Representing more rural veterans in research
- The path to better outcomes: Improving quality performance with population health tools
- The role of medical education in addressing rural physician shortages
- 04
- Sitemap
- MC Template (do not delete)