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Senate passes rural health care resolution

Last night on National Rural Health Day, Senate Resolution 588 passed the Senate. The resolution, introduced by Senators Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), recognizes that access to hospitals and other health care providers for patients in rural areas of the United States is essential to the survival and success of communities in the United States. Rural Americans face unique challenges in accessing health care. Per capita, they are sicker, older and frailer than their urban counterparts. The rural elderly are more likely to have chronic conditions such as arthritis, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. They are also likely to be required to travel a greater distance when seeking care than urban counterparts. The resolution states that “the closure of a hospital in a rural community often results in severe economic decline in the community and the departure of physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and other health providers from the community, and forces patients to travel long distances for care or to delay receiving care, leading to decreased health outcomes, higher costs, and added burden to patients.” The National Rural Health Association applauds Sens. Moran and Klobuchar for recognizing the needs, challenges, and opportunities for rural health care facilities are also vastly different from those faced by their urban counterparts. Higher percentages of Medicare beneficiaries, recruitment challenges, workforce issues, and unique budgetary challenges are all examples of areas where rural facilities differ from their suburban and urban counterparts. NRHA also thanks the 17 original cosponsors: Senators Baldwin (D-WI); Boozman (R-AR); Cochran (R-MS); Crapo (R-ID); Donnelly (D-IN); Durbin (D-IL); Enzi (R-WY); Franken (D-MN); Grassley (R-IA); Heitkamp (D-ND); Heller (R-NV); Hirono (D-HI); Hoeven (R-ND);  Johnson (D-SD); Tester (D-MT); Thune (R-SD); and Wicker (R-MS).

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