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Former NRHA president Tim Size authors commentary on rural Medicare reform

Tim Size, executive director of Rural Wisconsin Health Cooperative and former National Rural Health Association president discusses rural Medicare reform in the September edition of RWHC Quarterly Commentary, “What Rural Needs to Know About the New Medicare?” Size explains that rural America is affected by where health care dollars are spent and rural communities hurt when policy and politics ignore the impact rural health has on the local economy. “Regardless of who wins this election, those of us in rural healthcare must be part of the solution,” Size writes. “To be part of saving Medicare, Rural healthcare providers, like all providers, need to continue doing more, better for less. “We need to make the full transition to adopt health information technology. We need to focus on providing quality and cost effective care as opposed to simply the volume of service. We need to collaborate with each other and urban providers to deliver the continuum of care seamlessly to all patients. We need to partner with all parts of our rural communities to create a healthier people.” For the full article click here.

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