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Join the walk to save rural hospitals

Fifty-three rural hospitals have closed; 283 more are on the brink of closure. Since January 2013, more rural hospitals have closed than in the previous 10 years combined. It's clear continued cuts in hospital payments have taken their toll, forcing closures and leaving many of our nation’s most vulnerable populations without timely access to care. Led by Mayor Adam O’Neal, a group of advocates from 14 states are walking 283 miles – one for each at-risk hospital – from rural Belhaven, N.C., and arriving at 11 a.m. June 15 at the U.S. Capitol to draw attention to the dire situation rural hospitals and communities are facing. If Congress doesn’t act to stop the bleeding and prevent further closures of rural hospitals, 700,000 patients would lose direct access to care; patients and local economies will suffer. Without congressional intervention, layoffs, reduced wages, economic loss, reduced services, or worse, closed doors will occur in more rural communities across America. The National Rural Health Association invites you to the conclusion of The Walk for Rural Hospitals at 11 a.m. June 15 on the east grounds of the Capitol, between the Capitol building and the Supreme Court building. This is a free event and all are encouraged to attend to show their support for rural hospitals. If you are unable to attend, join NRHA’s Virtual March for Rural Hospitals on June 15. Call, email, Tweet and Facebook your members of Congress, and ask them to protect rural hospitals and patients. Be sure to also: • Attend town halls. Be prepared to ask questions and share your stories about rural hospitals. • Write a letter or op-ed to your local media. • Invite your members of Congress and health legislative assistants to tour your facility. • Hold a press conference about what these programs mean to your hospital and town. For more information and ways to #SaveRural hospitals and patients, visit NRHA's Save Rural Hospitals Action Kit.  

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