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Senators send rural health funding letter to Appropriations Committee

Twenty-four senators sent a letter to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services this morning announcing their support for rural health programs.  The letter outlines the vital discretionary programs that help maintain the rural health safety net. Senators Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Chuck Grassley (R-IA) cosponsored the letter and NRHA applauds them for leading the effort to provide critical support to rural safety net providers. NRHA also congratulates all those that participated in this advocacy effort in support of this letter and the programs.  Your voice was heard on Capitol Hill and your efforts proved vital in the strong support from senators around the country. A copy of the final letter is available  here. While this letter shows the depth of support for these vital programs, the efforts to ensure adequate funding are not over.  As the committees in the House and Senate debate these programs, it remains critical to continually contact your representatives. Please make your voice heard by staying connected with your representatives and senators over the coming weeks and months.

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