Celebrate Rural America

On Thursday, Nov. 21, our nation celebrates “National Rural Health Day.” How will you celebrate? Following the national media, I understand how it might appear that America is becoming more urbanized. However, more than 62 million people live in rural America and nearly 75 percent of the land area in the U.S. is nonmetropolitan.

Approximately 1,200 nonmetropolitan counties saw population levels dwindle between 2010 and 2012, but in 230 counties, the number of people living there rose nearly 2 percent – faster than the national population growth rate. Rumors of the death of rural America have been greatly exaggerated.

As the National Rural Health Association highlights in our membership magazine, Rural Roads , rural communities are where health care innovation begins. Rural providers, (with larger percentages of populations with health disparities, an older population, a larger percentage of low-income individuals, and declining reimbursement rates) are required by necessity to innovate. “More with less” is not a slogan in rural America but a reality. “Quality of life” is the top stated reason that most people are drawn to rural towns, and also the reason they stay. Yes, there are health care challenges in rural communities. But on Nov. 21, we celebrate the power of rural, and what makes us special. Mark your calendars now, and check back in with NRHA on Nov. 21 to see how we are celebrating the great day.

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