NRHA Requests Immediate Relief for Rural Providers

The COVID-19 pandemic has now spread to more than 1,000 rural communities.
The loss of revenue over the last few weeks due to the inability to provide non-emergency care is destabilizing core health services in rural America. At the same time, hundreds of rural hospitals are already on the verge of closure, which will leave tens thousands of rural patients without access to local emergency health services.
Prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, nearly half of all rural hospitals were operating at a financial loss, and now these hospitals are facing catastrophic cash shortages.
The rate of rural hospital closures was at crisis levels prior to the pandemic; it will soon become cataclysmic.
We must ensure that any Coronavirus stimulus bills adequately aide struggling rural providers who are being devastated by both COVID-19 cases and non-emergency care department closure. That is why NRHA has sent this letter to Congress and the Administration requesting modifications to the third relief package and recommendations for the fourth COVID-19 supplemental package.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to NRHA government affairs communications coordinator Mason Zeagler.