Think local - you can get involved in health reform!
By: Alan Morgan | 6/30/09

Last week was another very busy week in health reform and now Congress has left for a week of recess in their home states and districts. However, this does not mean our work is done! Recess is an excellent chance for you to set up meetings in their local offices to urge them to support our rural priorities. They'll also hold town hall meetings, attend 4th of July parades and participate in a number of other activities that will give you a chance to reach out as a voter and rural health advocate! It is also a great time to write a letter to the editor or op-ed for your local paper. NRHA has developed some talking points to help you write those letters but feel free to discuss the issues most important to you.
To get even more involved as a member, join NRHA's Grassroots Team - let us know and we'll sign you up. This will allow you to participate in weekly strategy calls, get updates on health reform as it happens and organize others in your state.
Thank you for all your hard work!