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NRHA Supports Renewed Push to End Bay State Boondoggle

NRHA is pleased that Senators Claire McCaskill and Tom Coburn are renewing their push to repeal the piece of the health law that resulted in a wage increase for all Massachusetts hospital physicians and staff at the detriment of rural hospitals across the nation. The provision required that Medicare reimbursements to all providers in a state be higher than the wage at the state’s rural hospitals. Massachusetts has only one “rural” hospital to set that floor, resulting in all wages in the state rising at the expense of other states. The lawmakers say that nine states benefit from the provision and 40 see a negative impact. The provision was dubbed the “Bay State Boondoggle.” The bill already has 24 co-sponsors.  If you don't see your senator listed below, please call 202-224-3121 and ask your senator to cosponsor S.183, the Hospital Payment Fairness Act of 2013. Sen Baldwin, Tammy [WI] - 3/22/2013 Sen Blunt, Roy [MO] - 2/7/2013 Sen Brown, Sherrod [OH] - 2/25/2013 Sen Burr, Richard [NC] - 2/4/2013 Sen Chambliss, Saxby [GA] - 2/4/2013 Sen Coburn, Tom [OK] - 1/30/2013 Sen Enzi, Michael B. [WY] - 2/13/2013 Sen Franken, Al [MN] - 3/12/2013 Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] - 2/11/2013 Sen Hagan, Kay [NC] - 1/31/2013 Sen Inhofe, James M. [OK] - 2/11/2013 Sen Isakson, Johnny [GA] - 2/7/2013 Sen Kaine, Tim [VA] - 3/11/2013 Sen Klobuchar, Amy [MN] - 3/5/2013 Sen McConnell, Mitch [KY] - 1/31/2013 Sen Merkley, Jeff [OR] - 2/26/2013 Sen Moran, Jerry [KS] - 2/7/2013 Sen Portman, Rob [OH] - 3/7/2013 Sen Pryor, Mark L. [AR] - 2/7/2013 Sen Roberts, Pat [KS] - 2/14/2013 Sen Shelby, Richard C. [AL] - 4/11/2013 Sen Vitter, David [LA] - 2/14/2013 Sen Warner, Mark R. [VA] - 1/31/2013 Sen Wicker, Roger F. [MS] - 5/23/2013

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