Immediate Action Needed

Various media reports indicate that a possible deal to avert some parts of the fiscal cliff is close.  Capitol Hill sources indicate that this deal will likely include some Medicare Extender provisions. However, it remains unclear which programs will be extended and which will be allowed to expire.
Without the inclusion of the Rural Medicare Extenders, many rural providers will lose millions of dollars in reimbursements. Without these reimbursements, jobs, services and facility viability are at risk.  A list of NRHA's ask is below:
Extension of hospital outpatient hold harmless provision
Extension of exceptions process for Medicare therapy caps
Extension of the work geographic index floor under the Medicare physician fee schedule
Extension of all current ambulance payment rates 
Medicare Dependant Hospital (Expired October 1, 2012)
Low-Volume Hospital (Expired October 1, 2012)
Direct billing for the technical component of certain physician pathology services (Expired July 1, 2012)
Payments for clinical diagnostic lab tests for rural hospital patients (Expired July 1, 2012)
Physician fee schedule incentives for mental health providers (Expired March 1, 2012)
Now is a critical time to call your legislators and ask them to stand up for rural providers and extend or restore these critical programs. More information about how to contact your Members of Congress and what to say when you do is available here. Contact NRHA Government Affairs staff with any questions.

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