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House Republicans Voice Opposition to Senate "Extenders" Legislation

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced early Sunday morning that House Republicans would oppose the Senate passed extension of various Medicare provisions, including rural specific provisions. The Senate passed package would extend, for a two-month period, the outpatient hold harmless provision, Medicare Section 508 reclassification, reimbursement increases for ambulance services, rural mental health add-ons, extension of therapy cap exemptions and an update for the sustainable growth rate within the physician fee schedule.
The Senate package modified House legislation that failed to include a number of these provisions and cut payments for bad-debt reimbursement, outpatient hospital visits and DSH facilities.
Speaker Boehner advocated a formal conference between the House and the Senate that would reconcile these differences.  The Speaker told "Meet the Press" that the extensions included, both for Medicare and taxes, should be for at least a year.  NRHA continues to advocate for the inclusion of all expiring rural provisions.  Please continue to monitor this blog and NRHA's congressional action kitfor updates and developments.
More information on Speaker Boehner's comments and the conference process is available here and here.