
As members, students can come together with their peers, educators, administrators, health professionals and other stakeholders to create a dialogue about rural health and related issues, such as workforce and policy.

NRHA’s Student Constituency Group is overseen by a board of students who are elected each year. The board assists in recruitment and plans NRHA’s Annual Rural Health Conference student track to promote rural health issues.

Want to get involved?
Email NRHA’s student outreach coordinators. We're eager to get students and schools involved and provide updates on NRHA leadership opportunities, including student board elections.

NRHA student board members
NRHA’s student board members are passionate about rural health and would love to hear from you. Below are bios about each of the current board members with contact information.

2023 NRHA Student CG Board

Brenden Barness

Region 6 Coordinator

Brenden is a medical student at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson and is a part of the rural health, commitment to underserved populations, and research distinction tracts.

Ashli Chew

Communications Coordinator

Ashli Chew is currently a second-year medical student at East Tennessee State University’s Quillen College of Medicine and serves as NRHA’s Communication Coordinator.

Rebecka Ernst

Vice Chair

She is a third-year medical student at the University of Missouri and is an active member of their Rural Track program.

Bradley Firchow

Policy Liaison

Bradley is currently a third-year medical student in the Rural Physician Leadership Program at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine.

Sierra Grounds

Region 5 Coordinator

Sierra is a third-year medical student at Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic medicine at Cherokee Nation in Tahlequah.

Eneka Lamb

Student Constituency Group Chair

Eneka is currently a medical student in the Leadership in Rural Medicine Program at Michigan State College of Human Medicine (MSUCHM).

Katie McLaughlin

Policy Liaison

Katie is currently a third-year medical student at the University of Minnesota Medical School, having completed her first two years on the Duluth campus.

Andrew Nerland

Region 4 Coordinator

Andrew Nerland is currently a third-year medical student at University of South Dakota’s Sanford School of Medicine and serves as the Region 6 coordinator.

Garrett Orick

Region 2 Coordinator

Garrett is currently a second-year MD/MPH student in the Rural Primary Care Track Program at East Tennessee State University’s Quillen College of Medicine.

Michael Sauseda

Region 7 Coordinator

Michael T. Sauseda is a dedicated and accomplished professional with a diverse background and a strong commitment to patient care and advancing rural healthcare practices.

Jessica Scheer

Region 3 Coordinator

Jess is currently a 3rd-year medical student at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine.

Sarah Scott

Rural Medical Education Liaison

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