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House Appropriations Committee releases six-month CR

The House Appropriations Committee yesterday released a six-month Continuing Resolution (CR) to fund government agencies (including all Title VII and VIII programs that received funding in FY 2012) at essentially FY 2012 levels until March 27, 2013.  The CR provides an across-the-board 0.6 percent funding increase to adhere to the Budget Control Act cap of $1.047 trillion. The bill does not alter the sequester, meaning without Congressional action before the end of the year, discretionary programs will be cut at least 7.8 percent on Jan. 2, 2013. The House is expected to vote on the legislation as early as Sept. 13, with the Senate voting next week before both chamber recess until after the elections. Lawmakers will need to finalize the appropriations for FY 2013 in March 2013. The bill text is available here. The House Appropriations Committee press release is here.  

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