How CMEs can qualify as MIPS improvement activities

MIPS has four performance categories with CME qualifying as an improvement activity, which assesses how often you participate in activities that improve clinical practice. Active participation may be different for each activity, but this generally means staying engaged.
Under the improvement activity category, clinicians are able to choose from many activities to demonstrate their performance. Here’s what to expect for most activities:
- Meaningful participation: Actively participate in the CME by answering the pre- and post-test and audience response questions and/or asking questions of the faculty.
- Collection and analysis of performance data: CME Outfitters will follow up with participants via survey approximately three months after activity completion to assess the impact of interventions discussed.
- Mechanism for documentation: CME Outfitters will provide documentation of completion for submission as a MIPS improvement activity.
According to a recent article from EHR Intelligence, 91 percent of eligible clinicians participated in MIPS in the first year of the Quality Payment Program. To help you meet your requirements, CME Outfitters is creating new courses that will qualify as improvement activities, with the goal that all of our courses will be MIPS eligible.
Some upcoming CME Outfitters activities that qualify for MIPS include:
- Optimizing Immunosuppression, Precision Medicine, and Big Data: The Required Path for Innovation in Transplantation
- Getting to the Gut of the Matter: Closing the Gaps in Diagnosis, Effective Treatment, and Comprehensive Care in IBS and CIC
- Stopping Ulcerative Colitis Progression in its Tract: Combining the Latest Evidence and Engaging Teaching Tools to Improve Patient Outcomes
- The 11th Annual Chair Summit: Master Class for Neuroscience Development
For more information, visit
NRHA commissioned the above piece from CME Outfitters, a trusted NRHA partner, for publication within the Association’s Rural Health Voices blog