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White House releases state-by-state reports on sequester impact

The White House released state-by-state reports detailing how sequestration would have a severe impact across government sectors and hurt jobs and middle class families. Programs facing cuts include public health, education and research. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) calculates sequestration will require an annual reduction of about 5 percent for nondefense programs and 8 percent for defense programs. The National Rural Health Association is urging Congress to protect rural patients and providers from the effects of sequestration.  Under the sequestration process set to begin on Friday, rural safety net providers face a 2% reduction to their Medicare reimbursements. Rural health care providers, who treat a higher Medicare patient mix than their urban and suburban counterparts, will experience disproportionate harm if these cuts are not stopped. Decreasing Medicare payments to rural hospitals will push many of these health care facilities to the brink of closing their doors. Click here and here for more information and a report on each state report.

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