National Rural Health Foundation

Caring for the future of rural America

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  • NRHA's Rural Health Fellows Program has produced over 200 rural health leaders. Of those alumni, many have gone on to serve within NRHA's internal bodies in varying capacities.
  • We are currently working on creating more robust opportunities for alumni of the Rural Health Fellows Program and the Center for Rural Health Leadership to take part in internal NRHA functions.
  • NRHF has committed to funding the operational expenses associated with NRHA's Rural Health Policy Institute, one of NRHA's largest conferences, to ensure that program participants are able to engage with their program's content, their elected officials, and their peers.
  • Based on direct feedback from a variety of program alumni, NRHF has reprioritized its focus on expanding participant networks post-program involvement. Alums who are looking for more networking opportunities will receive more information in the coming year.
  • Enhancements to the Rural Health Fellows Program and the various programs provided by the Center for Rural Health Leadership are coming soon!




The National Rural Health Foundation is led by a well-established Board of Directors. Our Board features incredible contributors to the rural health space, emerged rural health leaders, and some of NRHA's longest standing members. Please find the list of board members featured below.

NRHF Board of Directors

  • Marcia Brand, PhD (Co-Chair)
  • Paul Moore, DPh (Co-Chair)
  • Graham Adams, PhD
  • Isela Garcia, MLS, MPH
  • Michelle Mills, NRHA President
  • Alan Morgan, NRHA CEO
  • Rob McVay, NRHA CFO
  • Keith Mueller, PhD
  • Lisa Rantz
  • Tim Size, D.Hum


Rosemary McKenzie Legacy Award

Rosemary McKenzie's passion for rural health and dedication to underserved and marginalized populations were unparalleled. Rosemary served as the National Rural Health Association's minority liaison and program services manager in the Kansas City, Mo., office for 27 years. She died in 2011 due to complications from pancreatic cancer.

To carry on Rosemary McKenzie's legacy and honor her memory, the National Rural Health Association has established the Rosemary McKenzie Legacy Award to be presented annually during the Health Access Conference, a conference she predominantly and passionately coordinated. The award winner is emblematic of our ideals in health equity. Rosemary's legacy is kept alive through the recipient of this annual award. Please check back soon for how to make your nominations.

If you would like to contribute to the "Rosemary Legacy Fund", please indicate that by including "Rosemary McKenzie" in your donation where the form asks if you would like to honor or recognize anyone. If you would like to contribute via check, you can do so by making your check out to "Rural Health Leadership and Education Foundation", including "Rosemary McKenzie" on the memo line and mailing them to 406 West 34th St., Suite 408/409 Kansas City, MO 64111


Brandon Brook

Fundraising Manager - National Rural Health Foundation


Phone: (818) 205-7552


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