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NRHA looks forward to tomorrow’s National Rural Health Day celebrations

At the National Rural Health Association and in rural communities across the country, every day is Rural Health Day. But we especially look forward to Nov. 21, a day for recognizing those who have dedicated their time and resources to ensuring accessible, quality care for the nearly 62 million people who call rural America home. NRHA staff are proudly presenting at events across the country on rural health innovations and issues. We hope to see you at conferences and celebrations in Arkansas, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, D.C. and others. And read about rural health success stories worth celebrating in the latest edition of NRHA’s Rural Roads magazine. This issue features
  • a free partnership that connects providers seeking employment with rural communities in need
  • an impressive program training Native American veterans to help their peers access the benefits and care they earned and need
  • rural Affordable Care Act outreach and education
  • and much more.
And take a few minutes to be inspired by our 2013 Rural Health Award winners on NRHA's YouTube channel. (We'll begin accepting 2014 nominations Dec. 2.) Click here for more information on National Rural Health Day; read NRHA CEO Alan Morgan’s perspective below, and be sure to follow NRHA on Facebook and Twitter for reasons to celebrate every day.