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NRHA’s next event covers broad topics for a bargain

Ready for a winter warm-up in San Antonio? Join experts and rural health colleagues from across the country for NRHA’s next conference Dec. 4-5. Register by Friday, Nov. 15, to attend for as little as $139. Get innovative ideas and learn about proven strategies at work in rural areas on these important topics and more:
  • Veterans' health
  • Women’s health
  • Federal grant-writing tips direct from the source
  • Recruitment, retention and leadership development
  • Obesity and nutrition
  • Cancer education, prevention and screenings
  • Behavioral health stigma and partnerships
Past attendees from as far as Scandinavia have “found the rural focus of these sessions to be quite effective and engaging" and “truly appreciate the depth and diversity of the session topics.” Don’t delay. Register today to save up to $320.

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