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CCNA Photo Contest: Nursing’s Impact on Health Care in Rural America

The Center to Champion Nursing in America (CCNA) is sponsoring a photo contest to highlight the amazing work that rural nurses are doing.  CCNA's goal is to contribute to a repository of images of nurses as they work to achieve the highest quality of health care for all Americans

Outstanding pictures will be featured at an AARP Solutions Forum co-hosted by NRHA, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and AARP on June 13, 2011.  Photos from the previous contest have been used in multiple presentations on nursing, online articles and in various print materials.  Many were also featured at the National Summit on Advancing Health through Nursing.

Contest participants are asked to identify one of four categories for entries; each category aligns with a recommendation area of the IOM Future of Nursing report. Images should reflect the multidimensional qualities of health care in rural America. A winner will be selected in each category with one overall grand prize winner.

  • Nursing educational progression
  • Nursing leadership
  • Increasing access to health care through nursing
  • Promoting interprofessional collaboration

To learn more about each category, the contest rules and to enter, visit the CCNA Photo Contest website. Submit your entries by May 31, 2011.

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