About NRHA

About the National Rural Health Association

The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) is a national nonprofit membership organization that brings together thousands of members across the United States.

The association’s mission is to provide leadership on rural health issues through advocacy, communications, education and research.

Faces of Rural

NRHA membership consists of a unique collection of individuals and organizations, all of whom share the common bond of an interest in rural health.

Older. Sicker. Poorer. White. Less educated. These have long been the only ways rural communities are viewed and stereotyped. Reality is much different -- and NRHA hopes to clarify this narrative.

Rural America is incredibly diverse, innovative, and constantly evolving in culture and community. That's why NRHA is proud to announce our Faces of Rural Campaign to better showcase the breadth and power of rural communities.

Our hope is this campaign can be used as an educational tool to create a more accurate picture of rural communities and the dialogue used to discuss and celebrate them.

The intent of this effort is to frame our discussions with members, partners, Congress, and federal agencies with an accurate portrayal of the members within our communities and encourage rural leaders and stakeholders to champion the full scope of identities and occupations of rural folks.

We could only feature so many profiles in our video, so feel free to share your favorite rural people and the stories behind them on social media with #FacesofRural.

As an organization made up of diverse and passionate membership and staff, NRHA is proud to lead the way in championing this effort.


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